Monday, June 6, 2011

The Dream

  Salam everyone I hope summer's going well,
          I heard this story in a speech on Friday at the masjid.Here it is:  A man used to drink a lot, and  his daughter sat in his lap and pushed the bottle away every time he would drink. The man thought he should try not to drink because his daughter didn't like it, so every time he wanted to he resisted and became closer to Allah (swt). One day, his daughter became sick, she got sicker and sicker until finally, she passed away. The father became very upset and became mad that his daughter was taken away from him. So he drank, and drank, and drank like he never had done before and became drunk. That night he had a dream that he was being resurrected from his grave, everybody was there an angel said his name and then everyone was gone. Then, a huge snake appeared and started chasing him and he ran, and ran, and ran, he saw an old mad and said "Help me!" "Help me!" The old man said,"How can I?" "I am an old man, I am very weak, but run over there he might not catch you." When the man over ran over to were the old man said the snake was still chasing him. There he saw the old man again and said, "Help me!" "Help me!"  The old man replied, "I am weak, but there is a hill over there." The man ran to the hill and saw children, he saw his daughter put her hands up between him and the snake, the snake stopped  and slithered away and burst into flames. The man was so tired that he collapsed and sat down. His daughter sat down and began to speak, "Father, the snake that was chasing you is your bad deeds strong, the old man is your good deeds weak, if you'd been closer to Allah the man could have helped you but you haven't been close to Allah. At that moment the man woke up, it was Fajr time so he made wod'u and went to the masjid to pray. The dream made him come closer to Allah (swt).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Assalamualaikum Shalah!

    This post was beautiful MashaAllah. It's really nice and heartwarming. It would be even better if you put the reference (that's if you remember what the sheikh said, because they usually say where the story is from)

    But all together, I love the story. Jazk for putting such a wonderful post!


  3. thats the problem he didn't give the refrence He just told the story

  4. o well. how's your summer going? can u send me your email? well, it's not good 2 put it here, since EVERYONE on the whole world can see it, so is it ok if Neda gives it to me?

