Thursday, April 21, 2011


Please forward to anyone that you think can help.
As Salaamu Alaikum.

Sister Afshan is trying to help two young Jordanian boys (ages 9 1/2
and10 1/2) find a permanent home.

Their father fled to Jordan many years ago relinquishing his parental
rights. The mother raised her boys in Warren, Michigan, until she
lost her battle to cancer in December. They have no other family in
the States, and in an effort to save the boys from being handed over
to the State, the mother asked a close friend to keep her boys and
become their legal guardian. This Muslim sister is in her 60's, and
although initially accepted this responsibility out of obligation to
her dying friend, is now having difficulty fulfilling this grave
responsibility. The sister has never had children of her own, and
feels ill-equipped to handle two active young boys (since she is not
in the best physical condition herself).

She is running out of options and is asking our community to find a
Muslim family/couple who could take over legal guardianship of the
boys. She describes the boys as well behaved/good boys, that need to
be in a two-parent family with a supportive Muslim community.It' s a simple process in which she would relinquish her rights and
the guardianship would be permanently assigned to the new family/
couple. She is willing to keep them until the end of the school year.

If she is unable to find another family soon, her only other option
will be to hand them over to the state and place them in foster care.

If you or anyone you know can help these boys, please contact Afshan
Siddiqi 248-943-5999


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