This coming Monday night there will be a full eclipse of the moon, which should be easily visible from North America. Start should be around 10:30pm pst Monday night and end should be around 2:00am pst Tuesday morning; although, at least the start should be confirmed by visually sighting.
These days it has become a custom to look at the eclipse (whether sun or moon), marvel about these events, talk about the scientific explanation etc. However, most people have forgotten that these are "signs through which Allah makes His slaves afraid"as explained by the Prophet (sallaAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam). Also, as per the confirmed sunnah of the Prophet (sallaAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam), he prayed salaatul kusoof/khusoof during eclipse, reminded all of the great power of Allah SWT, reminded all for doing a lot of rememberence, dua', istighfaar etc.
Let us revive this less practiced great sunnah by praying in our masaajids, homes, gatherings. In our local masjid, we are planning to make an announcement after Juma' tomorrow, and ask everyone to gather on Monday night with their families and children (kids should be off from school next week). Every community can take this type of an action easily by discussing with masjid committees, and there is reward for every good action with sincerity.
Yes, its a little late at night, but these are rare events, and thereby, rare opportunities to practice a great sunnah.... inshaAllah by the will of Allah, the reward will also be great.
Below, I have summarized in bullets some useful details so that it is easy to follow. I have also attached a description from Shaikh Albany (r), a helpful picture of the eclipse and time table.
Please pass this on the friends and family, and we expect that Allah SWT will multiply our rewards inshaAllah.
Summary of things to know about this salah:
- Scholars have categorized this salah as sunnah mu'akkadah (well established sunnah)
- Call to salat should be given by saying "Assalaatu Jaami'ah" (no specific number of times)
- Based on the hadith of the prophet (sallaAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam), the eclipse should be "SEEN" first, and then the salah should start, the start time should not be based on only astronomical calculations; details here )
- Praying in jama' is sunnah, however, if there is no jama' then praying individually is allowed (since this is an optional salah)
- Women should also join the jama'
- Pray two raka' reading Quran aloud
- Difference from regular nafl salah - Two ruku' and two recitations (recite Fatiha and a surah at the beginning and then recite Fatiha and another surah again after the first ruku', then do second ruku', then the two sijdah)
- Another difference - The prophet (sallaAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam) prayed this with very long recitation, very long ruku' and very long sujood. However, if it becomes difficult, then making the length of recitation, ruku', and sujood like regular salah should be done, which is much better than finding an excuse to leave this salah.
- If prayer ends before eclipse is over, then make dhikr, dua', istighfar etc. until eclipse ends (or as much one can).
- Sunnah is to give a speech of admonition after the salah.
MD Shaheed
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