Wednesday, March 9, 2011


It is what you call Orange; it is what I call Extraordinary!

When I walked in the door to my house I saw the most precious delicious fruit in the universe, it was…it was…an orange! It was a sphere that was the color orange, with hundreds of dots on it! It had a pure and sweet look that made me feel like I was in a different world! As I peeled the sweet orange I wondered what this fruit gave off to all people or animals that could even take a little nibble on this medium sized fruit. I took a slice of the orange ball; it tasted so yummy it made my tummy feel like honey!

Orange is Beneficial in the following cases:
·                 Asthma
·                 Bronchitis
·                 Tuberculosis
·                 Pneumonia
·                 Rheumatism
·                 Prevent kidney stone
·                 Helps lower cholesterol
·                 Helps prevent diabetes
·                 Arthritis
·                 High blood pressure
·                 Persons addicted to alcohol have found that the desire for liquor is greatly reduced by drinking of orange juice.
·                 Consumption of large quantities of oranges will decrease the outpouring of mucus secretions from the nose.
Oranges are very useful, as you can see above. Oranges are very valuable in the treatment of constipation, deficiency of stomach acids, tooth decay, gum diseases, excessive thirst, colds and flu, Fever, toxic and acid deposits in the body. We all know that oranges have a lot of vitamin C but did you know that oranges have more vitamin C in the peel than the actual orange?
Oranges are a good source of calcium that is great for your bones, with Vitamin C and milk as an extra and important source of Calcium can help protect your bones from breaking ( Oranges are a great source of iron and they help keep your cholesterol low. Oranges also have another cure for not only people but animals too. The cure is (citrus limonoids) in certain kinds of cancer such as:
v   Mouth
v   Skin
v   Lungs
v   Breast
v   Stomach
v   Colon
Did you know that if you eat one orange a day it can provide nearly 100% of the recommended daily dietary intake of vitamin c. When you eat a whole orange, it provides good dietary fiber.  Always remember to keep as much as possible of albedo. Albedo is the white manner under the peel.
 It is believed that oranges were first produced in Southeast Asia, sometime around 4000 BC. It was taken to Africa by travelers and found its way in the Roman soil by 200 BC. Sour oranges were introduced to the Arabs by 10 century A.D. The Portuguese came up with a new variety of orange called the Portugal orange. By 1820, orange grooves were thriving in St. Augustine, Florida. In 1873, three orange trees were brought from Brazil and planted in Riverside, California. It is interesting to note that one of the trees is still alive and bearing fruit. (
So now since you know all of the benefits of the orange, go see for yourself and try the delicious and mouth watering fruit.


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