Wednesday, March 23, 2011

If My Lord Asks Me

إذا ما قال لي ربي أما استحييت تعصيني ..؟ 

If my Lord asks me “Have you no shame in disobeying me?”

وتُـخفي الذنبَ عن خلقيَ وبالعصيانِ تأتيني

You hide your fault from my creation yet to me you come full of sin

فكيف أجيبُ يا ويحي ومن ذا سوف يحميني؟ 

So how will I answer? Woe to me, who will protect me?

أسُلي النفس بالآمالِ من حينٍ الى حيني .. 

I keep averting my self with thoughts of hope from time to time 

وأنسى ما وراءُ الموت ماذا سوف تكفيني

And I forget what is after death, will hope be enough 

كأني قد ضّمنتُ العيش ليس الموت يكفيني

As if I have guaranteed living forever and that death will not come to me

وجائت سكرة الموتُ الشديدة من سيحميني؟؟

Then the drunkenness of death comes upon me hard, who will protect me?

نظرتُ الى الوُجوهِ أليـس منُهم سيفدينـــي؟

I look at the faces, is there from amongst them who will ransom me?

سأسأل ما الذي قدمت في دنياي ينجيني

I will be asked what have I put forth in my life to save myself

فكيف إجابتي من بعد ما فرطت في ديني 

So how what will my answer be after I’ve been heedless regarding my deen

ويا ويحي ألــــم أسمع كلام الله يدعوني؟؟

O’ woe to me did I not hear the word of Allah calling me??

ألــــم أسمع بما قد جاء في قاف ويسِ

Did I not hear what has come in Qaaf and Yaseen

ألـــم أسمع مُنادي الموت يدعوني يناديي

Did I not hear the caller of death calling out to me

فيا ربــــاه عبدُ تــائبُ من ذا سيؤويني ؟

O my lord your slave repenting to you who will take me in

سوى رب غفور واسعُ للحقِ يهدييني 

Other than a forgiving lord, to the truth he will guide me

أتيتُ إليكَ فارحمني وثقــّـل في موازيني

I come to you so have mercy on my and make heavy my weights

وخفَفَ في جزائي أنتَ أرجـى من يجازيني

And lighten my reckoning you are the best of who will bring me to reckoning

(Translated by Abu Hamza)


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Companions (True Men)

What about those brave men who sacrificed their wealth and there life
Those who said Allah(swt) is sufficient for my child and my wife

Who didn't hesitate when the call came to them
Whose life and death in comparison was the same to them

Gave everything and anything for the pleasure of their Lord
Who leap into it with no fear holding that doubled edge sword

Allah(swt) says Do not say they are dead for surely I will feed them
Remember in the Battle of Badr when He sent the  angels to relieve them

They did not fight for land, but for Allah's(swt) word to be superior
Even with a few in Badr they never felt inferior

"Our dead for your dead!" those words are very shallow
They swap this life for Jannah in every single battle

What about Uhud with Khalid Bin Waleed?
Little less chaotic had we took Muhammad's(saw) lead

Yes, but even their mistakes are better then our successes
We sleep all through the night, they didn't even know what rest is

I do not know what we call ourselves, but those are what you call real men
Allah(swt)was please with their actions and they were please with Him.

By: Abu Aadam


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Nature's Sweetener

Nature’s Sweetener

Samiha Shaheed

Ever wondered what that sticky thing Pooh Bear always eats is?  It’s honey. Honey must be one of the most amazing things on Earth.  It tastes more than wonderful. It tastes heaven-like.  Well, what is honey?  Honey is honey, it’s just that simple.  A bottle of pure honey contains the natural sweet substance produced by honey bees from the nectar of plants or secretions of living parts of plants.  Nothing else.  It’s one of the many miracles of Allah’s creations.  I guess that’s why Pooh’s crazy for it.

Honey dates back to 2100 BC, where it was mentioned in Sumerian and Babylonian cuneiform.  It was also mentioned in the Hittite code, and the sacred writings of India.  It is presumably even older than that.  In the old days, honey has not only been used for food, but also for cement, furniture polishes, and for medical purposes.

Honey’s sensational taste compliments its many medical advantages.  Did you know? Honey contains vitamins B1, B2, C, B6, B5 and B3 all of which change according to the qualities of the nectar and pollen.  Besides the above, copper, iodine, and zinc exist in it in small quantities.  Several kinds of natural hormones are also present in it.  In Iraq, honey is being used to treat burn wounds on children.  Honey is the best type of medicine.  Caught a cold? Take a spoon of honey every morning.  By the will of Allah, you’ll get better with a few days rest, even without taking a SINGLE DROP OF ANTIBIOTICS!  So if you don’t like your cough medicine, no need to fear!  Honey the Hero is here!

Not only can honey satisfy you with its savory taste, but it also provides you with its many benefits.  Did you know?  Taking a spoon of honey every day can help you:

·        Get less tired during workout
·        Provide you with a natural substitute for sugar
·        Give you an extra kick in the morning to help you go through your day
·        Helps sleeplessness
·        Perfect for sore throats
·        Treats cuts and burns
·        Heart diseases
·        Infertility

Honey can also cure:

·        Athlete foot
·        Arthritis pain
·        Insect bites
·        Hair loss
·        Bladder infections
·        Toothaches
·        Colds
·        Upset stomach
·        Cholesterol
·        Gas
·        Indigestion
·        Influenza
·        Longevity
·        Pimples
·        Skin infections
·        Fatigue
·        Bad breath
·        Hearing loss
·        Weight loss
·        Anti cancer
·        Immunity system builder

And the list goes on and on. Our beloved Prophet (SAWS) loved to eat honey. It is narrated by A’isha (RA);

“Allah's Apostle used to love sweet edible things and honey.”

Honey is even mentioned in the Qur’an.

“…and rivers of clarified honey (clear and pure) therein…”

Honey is a miracle from Allah (SWT).  Such a wondrous substance found naturally in Earth is profound.  Honey is one of the gems of Earth, but many people are ignorant of this fact.  They tend to completely ignore honey and look at everything else. Don’t be like those people.  Honey has too many benefits to count, and after all, honey is a blessed food that was mentioned in the Qur’an and the Sunnah.  Eat honey, cure yourself, and be blessed.

Aisha Mother of the Faithful

A translated poem of our Mother A'isha May Allah be pleased with her, and curse all who are not.

O' Daughter of the best of people after our prophet

O' Daughter of the best of people after our prophet
To thy Virtue, the scale of balance got outweighed

Cherishing your status with wealth and dignity
When for the prophet you were preferred

When Allah wanted to keep His doctrine
Through Sunnah and Qura’an

Upon you wisdom He bestowed
honoring his prophet a generous reward

with a virtuous heart that attainth
high ranks of knowledge and faith

Keeping our prophet’s heritage
that guides us in every age

though young and novice you were
but known for your eloquence everywhere

Allah wills you to be the solace
For his beloved‘s heart and conscience

to you the prophet was passionate and kind
Which spiteful people had annoyed

a salander was invented , and I don’t mean to quote their saying
"By thy life, is but out of grudging" !

Malevolent people climbed the rope of lies
So it collapsed without solid structure

For your sake a holy verse was revealed
Absolving you from any false deed

Our mother, you remained in the guidance light
Preferred as the best of women for your insight

By your truthful speech many scholars learned
And many others from your faith source sipped

This poem, O Symbol of every virtue
with pearls was composed for you

In glamour should it shine ,and splendor
it will be for love to Allah and His Messenger

Taken from:


I Am That Hijab

(Click to magnify. If still small, click again)


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Healthy & Blessed Recipes

A few Nice Recipes

With foods from the Quran and Sunnah

Healthy Fig Dessert

Enjoy figs with the sweetness of honey and the tang of Greek yoghurt in this light, refreshing dessert. Almonds add crunch as well as goodness.


  • ·        4 figs
  • ·        6 tbs Greek yoghurt
  • ·        2 tbs flaked toasted almonds
  • ·        Runny honey
  • ·        A few pinches of cinnamon

Cut the fig in half and arrange on two plates. Dollop the yoghurt over them and sprinkle with the almonds and cinnamon. Drizzle with the honey and serve

Also Try
Use strawberries in place of figs and omit the cinnamon.
Replace the figs with oranges and use pistachios and raisins. Omit the almonds and cinnamon.

Breakfast Smoothie

The addition of oats in this wonderful smoothie may seem odd at first but it gives it a lovely, creamy texture and a great slow-release energy boost. Perfect for suhoor or a rushed breakfast.


  • ·        1 banana, chopped
  • ·        1 handful of dates
  • ·        100ml milk/yoghurt
  • ·        1 handful of oats
  • ·        Desired amount of honey to sweeten


Put all ingredients (except honey) in a blender and whiz until smooth. Drizzle with honey until sweet.

taken from Sisters magazine, Issue 4 Winter 2007


Wednesday, March 9, 2011


It is what you call Orange; it is what I call Extraordinary!

When I walked in the door to my house I saw the most precious delicious fruit in the universe, it was…it was…an orange! It was a sphere that was the color orange, with hundreds of dots on it! It had a pure and sweet look that made me feel like I was in a different world! As I peeled the sweet orange I wondered what this fruit gave off to all people or animals that could even take a little nibble on this medium sized fruit. I took a slice of the orange ball; it tasted so yummy it made my tummy feel like honey!

Orange is Beneficial in the following cases:
·                 Asthma
·                 Bronchitis
·                 Tuberculosis
·                 Pneumonia
·                 Rheumatism
·                 Prevent kidney stone
·                 Helps lower cholesterol
·                 Helps prevent diabetes
·                 Arthritis
·                 High blood pressure
·                 Persons addicted to alcohol have found that the desire for liquor is greatly reduced by drinking of orange juice.
·                 Consumption of large quantities of oranges will decrease the outpouring of mucus secretions from the nose.
Oranges are very useful, as you can see above. Oranges are very valuable in the treatment of constipation, deficiency of stomach acids, tooth decay, gum diseases, excessive thirst, colds and flu, Fever, toxic and acid deposits in the body. We all know that oranges have a lot of vitamin C but did you know that oranges have more vitamin C in the peel than the actual orange?
Oranges are a good source of calcium that is great for your bones, with Vitamin C and milk as an extra and important source of Calcium can help protect your bones from breaking ( Oranges are a great source of iron and they help keep your cholesterol low. Oranges also have another cure for not only people but animals too. The cure is (citrus limonoids) in certain kinds of cancer such as:
v   Mouth
v   Skin
v   Lungs
v   Breast
v   Stomach
v   Colon
Did you know that if you eat one orange a day it can provide nearly 100% of the recommended daily dietary intake of vitamin c. When you eat a whole orange, it provides good dietary fiber.  Always remember to keep as much as possible of albedo. Albedo is the white manner under the peel.
 It is believed that oranges were first produced in Southeast Asia, sometime around 4000 BC. It was taken to Africa by travelers and found its way in the Roman soil by 200 BC. Sour oranges were introduced to the Arabs by 10 century A.D. The Portuguese came up with a new variety of orange called the Portugal orange. By 1820, orange grooves were thriving in St. Augustine, Florida. In 1873, three orange trees were brought from Brazil and planted in Riverside, California. It is interesting to note that one of the trees is still alive and bearing fruit. (
So now since you know all of the benefits of the orange, go see for yourself and try the delicious and mouth watering fruit.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Although this poem was not written by a Muslim poet, it's meaning bears much wisdom.
And wisdom is the trade of the believer he takes it where he finds it.


If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son! 

By Rudyard Kipling
